Vanguard varianty
Z Star Citizen CZ/SK Wiki
Verze z 1. 3. 2020, 15:22, kterou vytvořil Kutty11 (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka s textem „none|thumb|800px|The [[Aegis A3G Vanguard series are the United Empire of Earth’s dedicated deep space fighters. Each Vangu…“)
- Vanguard Warden – is a hard-charging bulldog of a fighter which features extensive forward-mounted weaponry
- Vanguard Harbinger – is Earth's standard fighter-bomber, converting the standard Warden model’s escape pod into a potent bomb bay.
- Vanguard Sentinel – is a ship that's designed to fight smart instead of taking enemies head on
- Vanguard Hoplite – is a cross between the winning Vanguard deep space fighter and a dedicated boarding ship